Fabio Pinheiro
Hi, I'm Fabio Pinheiro,
I am functional programming developer, mainly in Scala.
A Scala & Scala.js (WIP) implementation of DID and DID Comm messaging spec
Github: https://github.com/FabioPinheiro/scala-did
Live Demo: https://did.fmgp.app - Still a WIP - This will be a webapp able to bootstrap a DID Comm wallet able to follow a simple message protocol (Is like a chat).
Generative Design library
A Scala/ScalaJS library for Generative Design. The visualizer run on any Browser with JS. Scala's RELP can be used to interact with the visualizer via WS to develop your designs.
Github: https://github.com/FabioPinheiro/fmgp-generative-design
Live Demo: https://geo.fmgp.app
Cats-Money is an open source functional library to deal amounts of money.
The goal is to provide basic mathematical reasoning to work in money currency and exchange rate.
Akilo.pt is an online platform for local products to expose and sell fruit, vegetables, fish, seafood, and other homemade products.
The project is on standby at the moment.
Please get in contact if you are interested in!